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Last The Best of All The Game!
Our last Halloween party of the season was with the Awesome Smith family. We always have a really great time with Grandma and Grand
pa Smith and cousins. Grandma Smith is quite the party planner. She is amazing at her role as Grandma always finding equal amounts of time to share with each grandchild. We all think she is pretty special. This year she organized snacks at aunt Debbie's new house and then on to trick or treating around their neighborhood. We worked really hard for each piece of candy we got, there were lots of hills, long driveways and big yards for little legs to walk, run and cross. Vivian felt a little jipped, when we decided to give up. H
er exact words were "Well this trick or treating really stinks!" However, we were saved when her super cool older cousin Jake was thoughtful enough to empty all of his candy into Vivs. She was smiling ear to ear. It really was one of the nicest things I ever saw a young boy his age do. Thanks Jake, I will always remind her of your kind deed. As the evening wore on we ventured up the neighborhood over to aunt Deanna's new home. Here the homes were a little closer and the kids got their second wind, so out the door they went again trick or treating with their beautiful older cousin, Danielle. Afterwards we ate delicious potato soup, bread sticks and sipped roach infested cider. However folks, the party didn't end there. The next day it was on to the SMITH FAMILY
FARM. It just wouldn't be Fall if we didn't get over to the farm. The farm is a true family treasure, and for the last few years Darins cousin has t
urned it into a place of pure fun. We love to run through the corn mazes bask in the box of co
rn kernals, pick pumpkins, huge sunflowers and be grossly amazed by Leroy the 1200 pound pig. Thank you Smith family! We love you!
Those are all corn kernals? That is so cool. So much fun. Man, I feel I got jipped this Halloween. ;)
roach infested cider, expound. will you make me a costume next year please?
Hey just thinking of you. Hope your doing well.
okay laurie smith, there are like 500 of you on facebook...i don't know which one you are- so it is in your hands to add me (sara schofield) thanks again for all your handouts during sacrament meeting...i'm afraid it became one of those "walmart sweat" days and i had to leave early to put tade down for a nap and eat a snickers, too bad i didn't have any diet pepsi, i sure could have used one. i love sunday's:)
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