Lots to give thanks for such as... an amazing thanksgiving dessert table! Kudos Pulleys!
Our really cool Dad. Love U Darin.
Perfect little gifts that remind me of increadible people in my life. Thanks again Sara.!
Really super little boys who love transformers, spiderman, the Hulk, who has "one really big arm muscle" eats cottage cheese, apple juice, ranch dressing and beef jerky. A little boy who can amazingly do the splits just like his sister, say a better prayer than his sisters, and is now getting braver to be in nursery himself. One little boy that hangs with his mom all day, makes her laugh , sword fights, and boxes with her and gives her the best kisses and hugs a guy has ever given her. Happy 3rd Birthday!!! Hayden LeGrande Smith!!!
Support the Girls videa 2018
5 years ago